
wikipedia stub article

It was an amazing tour to do this assignment. Even everybody can make changes to articles on Wikipedia, wikipedia is mostly used by the public to access to academic knowledge.Statistic data shows that 95% of the information on Wikipedia is correct and can be used for proper researches. Biology is very important in the field of  food sciences. I have made some additional information about basidiospores on Wikipeida which are shown below:

In grills under a cap of one common species in the phylum of Basidiomycota, there exist millions of basidia. Mature state of basidia has the base usually topped with four basidiospores in which contains one from the two haploid nucleus obtained from the process of meiosis. Due to facts mentioned above, single mushroom has the ability to release a billion spores. Basidiomycetes form sexual spores externally from a structure called a basidium. Four basidiospores develop on appendages from each basidium. These spores serve as the main air dispersal units for the fungi. The spores are released during periods of high humidity and generally have a night-time or pre-dawn peak concentration in the atmosphere. General Structure and Shape:Basidiospores are generally characterized by an attachment peg (called a hilar appendage) on its surface. This is where the spore was attached to the basidium. The hilar appendage is quite prominent in some basidiospore, but less evident in others. An apical germ pore may also be present. Many basidiospores have an asymmetric shape due to their development on the basidium. Basidiospores are typically single-celled (without septa), and typically range from spherical to oval to to oblong, to ellipsoid or cylindrical. The surface of the spore can be fairly smooth, or it can be ornamented. Potential opportunist and Pathogen: depend on genus. Industrial uses: Edible mushrooms are used in the food industry. Potential Toxins produced:Amanitins, monomethyl-hydrazine, muscarine,ibotenic acidpsilocybin.

other comments: Basidiospores are the result of sexual reproduction and formed on a structure called the basidium.Basidiospores belong to the members of the Phylum Basidiomycota, which includes mushrooms, shelf fungi, rusts, and smuts.Here is the screen shot of this edited Wikipeida article.

ALES 204 is a very interesting course because it always require you to do new things. This assignment gives me the chance to practice how to edit articles in Wikipedia and learn some basic wikipeida codes. This is an amazing experience! Lots of Fun!